Get unlimited access to hundreds of songs, dozens of playlists and more. On your Discord server.
Our Bot is the world’s first fully legal and licensed music bot. Because we can.
Support the artists, join the support server and tell them if you like one of their songs.
Every artist has a journey. Some have been making music all their life, some just started out. All are awesome, and all of them are included in the bot's playlists.
100% Fully Legal Music Bot with over 200 licensed songs and various playlists.You get awesome independent music playlists for your server.
We are all artists. Developers included. We dont work for "someone". We work for ourselves. We are in nobodies pocket, and we are happy to chat with you about your ideas.
Meet artists, producers, managers, bookers and all kinds of people from the music industry and chat with them today.
Yes! We listen to your demos, we give you advice and we help you connect. For free. We are an artist community and you are a part of it.
We love to listen to your ideas on how we can make our bot better, help our artists better and create a more perfect community. Every day.
We are 100% privately owned and funded, and not connected with any other label, major or otherwise, and therefore not beholden to outside economic interest. Our management consists of professionals with over 25 years of international top-level leadership experience, and we work with a wide range of internationally recognized professional partners.
RELEASE U.2.009 : 2022-05-23 06:12 CET
FREE 30 days of premium in this version!
Update of various commands, some stability fixes and a brand new feature. With the “/premiumset” command you can give the current server premium status.
* New feature: The “/premiumset” command you can give the current server you are on premium status.
* Update: The “/premiumplay” command now shows you a link to get premium for 30 days for free if you dont have premium access.
More about the Bot
For support, feedback and more:
Invite the Bot to your server:
RELEASE U.2.008 : 2022-05-18 06:30 CET
Update of various commands, some stability fixes and a brand new feature. With the “/demo” command independent musicians can send their demo songs to to Count Zero Records® and other Labels, Playlisters, Bloggers, Promoters and more.
* New feature: The “/demo” command now allows musicians to upload their demo song to Count Zero Records® and other Labels, Playlisters, Bloggers, Promoters and more.
* New feature: The “/stagemode” command now shows a tutorial on how to use stagemode as a premium feature.
* New feature: The “/system” command now shows how many voice channels the bot is on.
* New feature: The “/system” command now shows all playlists in the bot’s system
* Update: The “/help” command has been updated to reflect the changes.
More about the Bot
For support, feedback and more:
Invite the Bot to your server:
RELEASE U.2.007 : 2022-05-12 10:10 CET
Major update! The 24/7 mode, Stage mode and 10 new playlists are here! Premium features are now available and there is a FREE 30 days premium Thank-You gift for you in it too! 🙂
* New feature: The “/premiumplay” command now allows playing of artist specific playists and 24/7 mode
* New feature: 24/7 Mode
* New feature: Stage Support
* New Playlists : 10 artist playlists
More about the Bot
For support, feedback and more:
Invite the Bot to your server:
RELEASE U.2.006 : 2022-05-10 06:08 CET
The Bot’s code has been revised and cleaned for better and more stable performance.
* The “/system” command now shows the bot’s active voice channels
* All admin commands other than “/patchnotes” have been depreciated and disabled for faster and more stable code
* Bot sharding is set to 4 shards of 2500 servers each
* Commands and code parts that needed the “member” intent have been disabled
RELEASE U.2.005 : 2022-05-07 15:38 CET
The Bot now requires none of the special “privileged intents” and uses much fewer system permissions than most bots.
Some additional features added.
* Updated architecture to not use any privileged intents
* Updated commands to use much fewer required permissions
* Added bot latency to the /system command
* Updated /help command to show all available commands
* Added /premium command to check and access the bot’s premium commands
More about the Bot
For support, feedback and more:
Invite the Bot to your server:
RELEASE U.2.004 : 2022-05-02 06:45 CET
* Replaced the FFmpeg PCM decoder for mp3’s with FFmpegOpusAudio for improved speed and quality
* Introduced a “Patchnotes” command allowing us to send patch notes to every server
* Added some error handlers in various parts of the code to keep the bot chugging along in case of missing permissions
More about the Bot
For support, feedback and more:
Invite the Bot to your server:
RELEASE U.2.003 : 2022-04-30 19:45 CET
Discord is moving to slash commands only as of August 2022. In preparation for this move, we have already implemented slash commands into our bot.
You will need to re-invite the both to give it permission to use slash commands on your server.
All text chat commands prefixed by ! have been disabled in this patch.
More about the Bot
For support, feedback and more:
Invite the Bot to your server:
RELEASE U.2.002 : 2022-04-30 18:50 CET
More about the Bot
For support, feedback and more:
Invite the Bot to your server:
* The /system command not lets users see system stats of the bot – like CPU , Memory etc.
* The “Premium” Function, Role and Subscription have been added to the bot.
RELEASE U.2.001 : 2022-04-30 06:00 CET
More about the Bot
For support, feedback and more:
Invite the Bot to your server:
* Discord has limited the bot to 250 servers. We are working with them to lift the limit.
* The Bot has been ported to Ubuntu Linux 20.04
* Bot Hosting is now on a specialzed 10 vCPU-Core 60 GB RAM 400 GB NVMe VPS server
* Sharding has been implemented and the bot can now handle 2500 servers in 4 instances making at a total of 10000 servers
* Slash Commands have replaced any “!” commands and Discord message.intent has been disabled
* A fundamental recode was necessary to accommodate all these changes
* You will now find all commands in the “/” menu. This may take up to 12 hours to show up on your server.
If you want to try new features or have the bot on your server when the main bot is full, you can invite our beta bot.
This bot is in development and bein restarted and worken on consistently, so do expect it to do random cool stuff.
Just a fair warning.
© 2022 Count Zero Records®. All Rights Reserved.